Set up multiple virtual hosts on XAMPP for windows
You just have to update the following files: X:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-vhosts.conf   First of all,  uncomment the following line to enable name based virtual host on your server’s port 80: NameVirtualHost *:80   Then you can start adding your virtual hosts. The following listing is just a sample, I usually do.I am assuming ,we create a project…

Use of Environment variables
Environment variables windows   Environment variables are a set of dynamic named values that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer.   You can say, It is a dynamic “object” that stores a value, which in turn can be referenced by one or more software programs in Windows (OS). Environment variables…

PHP 5.3.0 introduces two new error levels named as E_DEPRECATED and E_USER_DEPRECATED.   The E_DEPRECATED error level is used to indicate that a function or feature has been deprecated.   The E_USER_DEPRECATED level is intended for indicating deprecated features in user code, similarly to the E_USER_ERROR and E_USER_WARNING levels.   The following is a list… (1 comment)