Social network by internet giant is “Google+” getting popular exponentially and of course they already have a huge customer database and all they have to do is to promote this new product among them.However people know the fact that Google+ is very special kind of social network with very unique features. In parallel to…
Recursion and recursive routines is a bit more complicated, it can be defined as a regular function that calls itself. Learning when and how to apply recursion is probably a lot more difficult than just learning what recursion is? and being able to explain recursion effectively in an interview situation is even more difficult…
Equal and Identical comparison operators in PHP When comparing values in PHP for equality you can use either the == (equal) operator or the === (identical) operator. Do you know, what is the difference? Very simple the == operator just checks to see if the left and right values are equal. But, the === operator…
Hopefully, you can think that !== operator as being more ‘strict’ than the != operator. This is because the !== operator will say that the two operands being compared are not equal only if the type of the two operands are the same, but their values are not equal. This is desirable behaviour because the…
Syntax uniqid (prefix, more_entropy); A unique website ID can be created in PHP using the uniqid () function. This function has two parameters that can be set. prefix This is what will be appended to the beginning of each ID. more_entropy If this is false or not specified it will return 13…
From last couple of days, I was struggling with an Transaction Details API. The code I am working with is written in namespaces/blocks, so the problem I was facing is just like below. SimpleXMLElement::__construct(): Entity: line 1: parser warning : xmlns: URI AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd is not absolute in /classes/anet_php_sdk/lib/AuthorizeNetTD.php on line 188 …