FancyBox is so easy to use and renders page really nice, specially with images, html content and multi-media (video embedding). It’s a Mac like zooming tool that you can customize very well and really looks amazing 🙂 Below are the default options of jQuery fancybox function, user can easily set the options value according…
jquery datepicker to show month year only jQuery has very nice Date Picker library, but it can’t be customized to remove the date part, i.e. to show month and year only. In some cases, you only need that the user selects the month and year mm/yyyy (month/year) as input without the day (like in…
Convert any video format to .flv format using php script Developers often need to convert/encode files from any video format to FLV (flash format) using FFMPEG & PHP. As this is the most commonly requested feature that is asked of web developers is to convert existing video’s to another format. As flash has found…
Convert HTML to PDF using PHP code (HTML2FPDF Class library) In web development, you often need to create PDF (Portable Document Format) to view or download/ print a document. Here is a simple class that will provide you a simple way to do create PDF.HTML2FPDF Class library consist of three classes namely PDF, HTML2FPDF…
A problem that often occurs in web development is a conflict between your jQuery function and some other JavaScript library. This is due to many JavaScript libraries use $ as a function or variable name, just as jQuery does. In jQuery’s case,$ is just an alias for jQuery, so all functionality is available without…
How to check whether mod_rewrite module is enabled/loaded or not in Apache There are lots of techniques to check this but below is very simple technique to check whether mod_rewrite module is enabled or not in you web server. 1) Create a file, Type <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> in that file and save…