AJAX Loading Icon Generators Tools
In the field of web development, generally you need to show indicator image until the code/response will ready to display.   You can also call the indicator image as an “AJAX loading” icon or a “preloader image”. It is commonly used on AJAX-base sites and applications, informing the user that the site is still processing…

Test and debug your code online
During program or code development we face lot of issues and bugs and in between we need some debugging. In PHP there is not a easy way to debug the page line by line, so you have to use ‘echo’,’die’,’print_r’,’var_dump’ like functions for debugging.   It take a little bit more time to open the… (1 comment)

Cropping, rotating, scaling image sizes, and flipping the images vertically or horizontally in wordpress
Cropping, rotating, scaling image sizes, and flipping the images vertically or horizontally in WordPress   Generally we have lot of images in our website and we need different sized images, but generally in WordPress we have 3 sized images called as Small, Middle and Actual or Full size.   We can also scale down an… (6 comments)