PDO : PHP Data Object PDO is an acronym for PHP Data Objects. It is a database access layer providing a uniform method of access to multiple databases. Use of PDO : Let a suppose you need to connect your database to Oracle or IBM DB2 in your existing code(written in MySQL/PHP) or if you…

PEAR is short form of  PHP Extension and Application Repository.   PEAR is a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP component. Each PEAR code package comprises an independent project under the PEAR umbrella. It has its own development team, version-control and documentation.   A PEAR package is distributed as a gzipped tar file. Each…

Most of you know what is web browser – it’s a program/software by which you surf the internet, can view websites and web pages, send emails etc.    Browsers we are familiar with (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Opera, Camilla) have a good interface and are called graphical browsers because they, display all the…

Configure dreamweaver for .thtml and .ctp files I prefer to use Dreamweaver to create code all of my websites, mainly because of the code highlighting and the way I organize my sites in separate folders. I realize that there are lots of text editors out there but Dreamweaver is what I’m comfortable with and it… (15 comments)

Canonical issue is a common issue that websites are facing. Due to the this many informative websites are not performing well in search engine results page.   Ranking top in search engine always depends on the quality of information a website is providing, how the site is optimized & the back-links along with the content…