Hot linking can also be called as “leeching” or “bandwidth theft” is a term referring to when a webpage of one website is direct linking to the images/videos or other multimedia files on the web host of another website (usually without permission, thus can be called as stealing bandwidth). E.g. Like an <img alt=””…
1. Find your PHP version using phpinfo() function. You should need to know the version when you download the ionCube loaders. x86/ppc/sparc packages are for 32 bit systems; x86-64/ppc64 packages are for 64 bit systems. The Windows non-TS Loaders are for use on a Windows system where a phpinfo() page shows that PHP…
ionCube PHP Encoder is an utility from, It protect software written in PHP programming language from being viewed, changed, and run on unlicensed computers. The tools use the technique of compiling to byte code prior to encoding so that source code is eliminated, and runtime overheads are reduced.A PHP extension called the ionCube Loader handles the reading…