Function: trim — Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string. Syntax: string trim ( string $str [, string $charlist ] ) Arguments: str The string that will be trimmed. charlist Optionally, the stripped characters can also be specified using the charlist parameter. Argument Options: PHP trim…
PHP as usual all languages has a set of rules (known as Operator Precedence) that decide how complicated expressions are processed. $myVar = 2 * 10 – 1; Should $myVar be 19 or 18? If you cannot decide why there are two possibilities, break them up using parentheses like this $myVar =…
PHP 5.3.0 introduces two new error levels named as E_DEPRECATED and E_USER_DEPRECATED. The E_DEPRECATED error level is used to indicate that a function or feature has been deprecated. The E_USER_DEPRECATED level is intended for indicating deprecated features in user code, similarly to the E_USER_ERROR and E_USER_WARNING levels. The following is a list…
Below is the JavaScript function worked like PHP’s str_replace. You can find more equivalent JavaScript function same as it works for PHP. You can get the library of these functions by php.js or can directly download by below link. Download php.default.min.js …
Convert any video format to .flv format using php script Developers often need to convert/encode files from any video format to FLV (flash format) using FFMPEG & PHP. As this is the most commonly requested feature that is asked of web developers is to convert existing video’s to another format. As flash has found…
PHP: Object Oriented Programming (OOP) php objects A class is a ‘blueprint’ for an object, just like a function that you’d declare and use, a class merely describes a type of object. Before you can do useful logical work with it, you need to create an object (in pure OOP terms instance of a…