Hot linking can also be called as “leeching” or “bandwidth theft” is a term referring to when a webpage of one website is direct linking to the images/videos or other multimedia files on the web host of another website (usually without permission, thus can be called as stealing bandwidth). E.g. Like an <img alt=””…
Detect HTML5 usage If you want to see that a website is using HTML5 elements or not, you only need to view the source of the website. If the source code starts with the following declaration. <!DOCTYPE HTML> Then, website was marked up with HTML5. By using the HTML5 DocType, you can let the browser…
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the ranking in the search engine it involves editing its content, HTML, Images. Content is always king and it should be very relative to its specific keywords. Content portion itself of the web development process is vital to the overall success of the website and Google…